Glu Shu
- GLUSHU has been proven to help the following conditions whilst the hoof heals in conjunction with recommended treatments where necessary.
- If you are unsure of the problems with your horse, seek the help of someone who is familiar with the disease. Hoof problems fall squarely in the lap of the farrier.
- As with all serious horse hoof issues, get veterinary advice before you do anything to the foot.
- There are many good options for treating various conditions, choose wisely and cautiously.
- Laminitis
- Can’t nail a shoe on (thin or Crumbing hoof walls)
- Sore or Bruised Feet
- Brittle or Cracked Hooves
- Splints
- Navicular Disease
- Hoof Wall Seperation Syndrome
- White Line Disease
- Fear of Shoeing